Dr.Dropin App

Project from Q3 2023

I was responsible for the 2023 redesign of Dr.Dropin’s app. The team consisted of 4 members. Kasper who worked on the development of the app long before the redesign. Herman, a design consultant that joined us for 2 months and helped tremendously. Paul, our PM and design guide, who helped us stay on track. And me, responsible for the bigger picture, connecting all the dots as well as attention to detail.


Our challenge? Well we had to consolidate the design language of the app together with our solutions on the web, and developers had to work with a unified codebase. Before this project the app had an outdated look and completely different flows for booking the services that we offer, compared to web.

I always start with brainwriting and braindumping stuff into FigJam and Notion. Different requirements and things to keep in mind, possible design solutions and flows. This process helps me greatly before starting to design.


Then I started to discover different solutions to the problems we were facing. Shortly into this process Herman joined the company for a period of 2 months, and me and Paul decided that he should join me and look into the app related challenges.

Herman focused on less-critical parts of the app, while I worked on the stuff that had to be done in time for the app to work as intended.

We had many great discussions together, bouncing ideas off eachother and asking for feedback. We did some rounds of guerilla testing with prototypes that further helped us pick the best alternatives.

Ready for development

If there is one thing that made this whole project work it must be the collaborative process together with our developer Kasper. We were fast to try out the new Dev Mode feature in Figma, which made it clear for Kasper which screens and sections were ready for him, and which were still under progress. And Kasper was fast enough to develop those features so we could test them in our staging environment.

Commenting in Figma helped us greatly as well, Kasper got more used to it and asked us questions about different aspects of the design directly on the screens in Figma, it was great.

We had many meetings and walkthroughs with the whole team, helping to communicate progress, problems, and potential solutions together. This was definitely one of the best collaborative projects that I’ve been a part of.

Published app

We took a pragmatic approach to the release of the app. Several design decisions weren’t developed in time for launch due to a deadline that had to be met and our developer Kasper having to leave due to an end of his consultancy contract with Dr.Dropin.

Despite all of that I’m proud of what we have achieved. It is a step in the right direction, and a big improvement from what we had before.

We received positive feedback from coworkers within the organisation, as well as our users.


Dr.Dropin - Project summary


Grieg Connect - Project summary