Grieg Connect - Project summary

Projects from October 2020 to January 2023

Throughout my time at the company I’ve worked on many different projects. Some took longer time to complete than others, here I’ll showcase some of the ones I’m proud of.

Mooring plan

The redesign of mooring was an important project I worked on, when a vessel comes into port, port workers create a mooring plan to know how they plan to moor it. We had to think about all the states for all the objects that were possible to create, how vessels would be rotated and placed, filters for turning certain layers on and off etc. This was a very exciting opportunity for me, we drew a lot of inspiration from the way tool selection works in apps like Miro and Figma.

Port-call detail page

The app Port had a very important page that had a complete overview of a port call, which is a crucial part of business for port workers. It displayed a ships arrival to part, departure, all services requested, delivered, chat with the captain, changelog of everything that evolved in the process and etc. The video shows all prototypes created to showcase the possibilities.


Some perspectives in our apps required a taskboard component, for example when there was an order placed and it went through different cycles, or other internal operations that had several steps to the process. The video shows a part of how the taskboard evolved with time.


Right from my start at the company I worked on a component that has been evolving drastically through 2,5 years that I’ve worked there. A modal was crucial for the type of hierarchy and information architecture we wished to achieve in our systems, for the apps to be recognisable, consistent, and easy to use. The video shows some parts of modal’s evolution.


Norwegian ports needed a way to administer all of their resources in a simple way. An overview of everything that’s available, and the geometrical position of said resources in the port. The video shows a part of how the assets management flow works.

Visitor applications

The app Security needed design for a flow on the web for users to apply for temporary permits when they wish to visit a vessel thats parked in an ISPS secured area. This video shows a part of that flow.


Dr.Dropin - App


Grieg Connect - Digital port